OpenWrt编译的mjpg-streamer软件包居然与官方编译的是不一样的版本。不管是当前trunk还是barrier breaker版都是有这个问题。自行编译的不支持yuv格式输出,也就是说如果挂载的摄像头不支持jpeg格式直接输出那就没戏了。但是官方的mjpg-streamer就没有这个问题。先看看自己编译出来的与官方的版本在input_uvc.so模块帮助上的区别。
root@OpenWrt:/tmp# mjpg_streamer -i "input_uvc.so --help" MJPG Streamer Version: svn rev: exported --------------------------------------------------------------- Help for input plugin..: UVC webcam grabber --------------------------------------------------------------- The following parameters can be passed to this plugin: [-d | --device ].......: video device to open (your camera) [-r | --resolution ]...: the resolution of the video device, can be one of the following strings: QSIF QCIF CGA QVGA CIF VGA SVGA XGA SXGA or a custom value like the following example: 640x480 [-f | --fps ]..........: frames per second [-y | --yuv ]..........: enable YUYV format and disable MJPEG mode [-q | --quality ]......: JPEG compression quality in percent (activates YUYV format, disables MJPEG) [-m | --minimum_size ].: drop frames smaller then this limit, useful if the webcam produces small-sized garbage frames may happen under low light conditions [-n | --no_dynctrl ]...: do not initalize dynctrls of Linux-UVC driver [-l | --led ]..........: switch the LED "on", "off", let it "blink" or leave it up to the driver using the value "auto" --------------------------------------------------------------- input_init() return value signals to exit
root@OpenWrt:~# mjpg_streamer -i "input_uvc.so --help" MJPG Streamer Version: svn rev: exported --------------------------------------------------------------- Help for input plugin..: UVC webcam grabber --------------------------------------------------------------- The following parameters can be passed to this plugin: [-d | --device ].......: video device to open (your camera) [-r | --resolution ]...: the resolution of the video device, can be one of the following strings: QSIF QCIF CGA QVGA CIF VGA SVGA XGA SXGA or a custom value like the following example: 640x480 [-f | --fps ]..........: frames per second (activates YUYV format, disables MJPEG) [-m | --minimum_size ].: drop frames smaller then this limit, useful if the webcam produces small-sized garbage frames may happen under low light conditions [-n | --no_dynctrl ]...: do not initalize dynctrls of Linux-UVC driver [-l | --led ]..........: switch the LED "on", "off", let it "blink" or leave it up to the driver using the value "auto" --------------------------------------------------------------- [-t | --tvnorm ] ......: set TV-Norm pal, ntsc or secam --------------------------------------------------------------- input_init() return value signals to exit
# # Copyright (C) 2006-2014 OpenWrt.org # # This is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License v2. # See /LICENSE for more information. # include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=mjpg-streamer PKG_REV:=182 PKG_VERSION:=r$(PKG_REV) PKG_RELEASE:=1 PKG_MAINTAINER:=Roger DPKG_SOURCE:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).1.tar.bz2 PKG_SOURCE_URL:=https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mjpg-streamer/code/mjpg-streamer-experimental PKG_SOURCE_SUBDIR:=$(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION) PKG_SOURCE_VERSION:=$(PKG_REV) PKG_SOURCE_PROTO:=svn PKG_LICENSE:=GPL-2.0 PKG_LICENSE_FILE:=LICENSE
make package/mjpg-streamer/prepare V=s make package/mjpg-streamer/install V=s
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