Docker[1] is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.
In this class , i will introduce the Virtual Maching used in Docker Class.
rpm -qa | grep docker
In this docker VM needed two network adapter, (1) NAT (2) Host-only
systemctl start docker
How to check the docker service?
systemctl status docker
**For this First Class**
we need to pull the docker image from docker hub after started the docker service in this VM, and change the user to root
docker pull chusiang/takaojs1607
this command could need some time to get the docker images from the internet .
After when you fininshed , you can use this command to check the docker images in your VM
docker images
in this command , you can see the Repository (Let's use this example)
(1)chusiang means the docker account
(2)takaojs1607 means the image name
And you can see that the IMAGED ID like 90ebc6376878
Let start docker !
docker run -it chusiang/takojs1607 bash
-i means interactive
-t means terminal
bash ---> command
the basic command for first Class
docker ps
it can check what the docker process run on this system
ex: the container id is f0eba9cc4a7- `docker stop containers ID
ex: docker stop f0edocker ps -a
-a meanes all , you can see all the docker processdocker start containers ID
ex: docker start f0edocker attach containers ID
ex: docker attach f0edocker rm containers ID
you can use this command to remove this container !
But !! not the docker images !docker rm -f $(docker ps -q -a)
this command can kill the docker container by force whatever the docker process start or stop
-f means force
-a means all
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