Undefined symbolsfor architecture armv6:"std::ios_base::Init::~Init()", referenced from: ___tcf_0 in libmyCppLib_dev.a(myCppLib.o)"std::basic_ostream >& std::operator<< >(std::basic_ostream >&, char const*)", referenced from: _show_the_world in libmyCppLib_dev.a(myCppLib.o)"std::ios_base::Init::Init()", referenced from: __static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int,int)in libmyCppLib_dev.a(myCppLib.o)"std::cout", referenced from: _show_the_world in libmyCppLib_dev.a(myCppLib.o)ld: symbol(s) not foundfor architecture armv6collect2: ld returned1 exit status
The correct answer was provided by Jimmy Koerting in the comments: the app needs to be linked against libstdc++.dylib to resolve the standard library symbols. Thanks to Jimmy Koerting, but one more thing i want to add here is, if you are using xcode latest version with iOS 6.1 please add thislibstdc++.6.dylib
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