#include#include #include #include #include #include #include #define file_max_len 256 void rmv_old_files(const char *path, const char *suf, int hours) { char filename[file_max_len] = {0}; struct tm *tm; struct dirent *dirp; struct stat statbuf; dir *dp = null; time_t curr_time; int namelen, offset; char *chtemp = null; curr_time = time((time_t*)null); dp = opendir(path); if (null == dp) { return; } while((dirp=readdir(dp)) != null) { if (strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".")==0 || strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..")==0) { continue; } namelen = strlen(dirp->d_name); chtemp = dirp->d_name; if (*suf != '\0') { offset = namelen-strlen(suf); if (offset<0 || strncmp(suf, chtemp+offset, strlen(suf))!=0) { continue; } } sprintf(filename, "%s%s", path, dirp->d_name); if (!stat(filename, &statbuf)) { /*check the st_mtime of the file, if more than retention_hours ago then delete it*/ if (curr_time-statbuf.st_mtime >= hours*3600 && s_isreg(statbuf.st_mode)) { unlink(filename); } } } closedir(dp); }
rm -f 指定目录*
2.find 指定目录 -type f -delete或find 指定目录 -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
3.find 指定目录 -type f | xargs rm -f
4.rm-f `find 指定目录 -type f`
5.for delete in `ls –l 指定目录路径`;do rm -f * ;done
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