可以通过comp –list来列出所有cluvfy工具支持验证的组件:
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp -list
cluvfy comp
Valid components are:
nodereach : checks reachability between nodes
nodecon : checks node connectivity
ssa : checks shared storage accessibility
space : checks space availability
sys : checks minimum system requirements
clu : checks cluster integrity
clumgr : checks cluster manager integrity
ocr : checks OCR integrity
crs : checks CRS integrity
nodeapp : checks node applications existence
admprv : checks administrative privileges
peer : compares properties with peers
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp nodereach -n racnode1,racnode2
Verifying node reachability
Checking node reachability...
Node reachability check passed from node "racnode2".
Verification of node reachability was successful.
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp nodereach -n racnode1,racnode2 -verbose
Verifying node reachability
Checking node reachability...
Check: Node reachability from node "racnode2"
Destination Node Reachable?
------------------------------------ ------------------------
racnode1 yes
racnode2 yes
Result: Node reachability check passed from node "racnode2".
Verification of node reachability was successful.
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp nodecon -n racnode1,racnode2 -verbose
Verifying node connectivity
Checking node connectivity...
Interface information for node "racnode2"
Interface Name IP Address Subnet
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
Interface information for node "racnode1"
Interface Name IP Address Subnet
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""
Source Destination Connected?
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
racnode2:ce0 racnode1:ce0 yes
Result: Node connectivity check passed for subnet "" with node(s) racnode2,racnode1.
Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""
Source Destination Connected?
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
racnode2:ce0 racnode1:ce0 yes
Result: Node connectivity check passed for subnet "" with node(s) racnode2,racnode1.
Check: Node connectivity of subnet ""
Source Destination Connected?
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------
racnode2:ce1 racnode1:ce1 yes
Result: Node connectivity check passed for subnet "" with node(s) racnode2,racnode1.
Suitable interfaces for the private interconnect on subnet "":
racnode2 ce0:
racnode1 ce0:
Suitable interfaces for the private interconnect on subnet "":
racnode2 ce0:
racnode1 ce0:
Suitable interfaces for the private interconnect on subnet "":
racnode2 ce1:
racnode1 ce1:
Could not find a suitable set of interfaces for VIPs.
Result: Node connectivity check failed.
Verification of node connectivity was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp sys -n racnode1,racnode2 -p database -r 10gR2 -osdba dba
Verifying system requirement
Checking system requirements for 'database'...
Total memory check passed.
Free disk space check passed.
Swap space check passed.
System architecture check passed.
Operating system version check passed.
Operating system patch check failed for "112760-05".
Check failed on nodes:
Operating system patch check passed for "108993-45".
Operating system patch check failed for "112763-13".
Check failed on nodes:
Package existence check passed for "SUNWarc".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWbtool".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWhea".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWlibm".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWlibms".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWsprot".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWsprox".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWtoo".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWi1of".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWi1cs".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWi15cs".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWxwfnt".
Package existence check passed for "SUNWlibC".
Kernel parameter check failed for "noexec_user_stack".
Check failed on nodes:
Kernel parameter check passed for "SEMMNI".
Kernel parameter check passed for "SEMMNS".
Kernel parameter check passed for "SEMMSL".
Kernel parameter check passed for "SEMVMX".
Kernel parameter check passed for "SHMMAX".
Kernel parameter check passed for "SHMMIN".
Kernel parameter check passed for "SHMMNI".
Kernel parameter check passed for "SHMSEG".
Group existence check passed for "dba".
User existence check passed for "nobody".
System requirement failed for 'database'
Verification of system requirement was unsuccessful on all the nodes.
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp clu -n racnode1,racnode2 -verbose
Verifying cluster integrity
Checking cluster integrity...
Node Name
Cluster integrity check passed
Verification of cluster integrity was successful.
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp ocr -n racnode1,racnode2 -verbose
Verifying OCR integrity
Checking OCR integrity...
Checking the absence of a non-clustered configuration...
All nodes free of non-clustered, local-only configurations.
Uniqueness check for OCR device passed.
Checking the version of OCR...
OCR of correct Version "2" exists.
Checking data integrity of OCR...
Data integrity check for OCR passed.
OCR integrity check passed.
Verification of OCR integrity was successful.
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp crs -n racnode1,racnode2 -verbose
Verifying CRS integrity
Checking CRS integrity...
Checking daemon liveness...
Check: Liveness for "CRS daemon"
Node Name Running
------------------------------------ ------------------------
racnode2 yes
racnode1 yes
Result: Liveness check passed for "CRS daemon".
Checking daemon liveness...
Check: Liveness for "CSS daemon"
Node Name Running
------------------------------------ ------------------------
racnode2 yes
racnode1 yes
Result: Liveness check passed for "CSS daemon".
Checking daemon liveness...
Check: Liveness for "EVM daemon"
Node Name Running
------------------------------------ ------------------------
racnode2 yes
racnode1 yes
Result: Liveness check passed for "EVM daemon".
Liveness of all the daemons
Node Name CRS daemon CSS daemon EVM daemon
------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------
racnode2 yes yes yes
racnode1 yes yes yes
Checking CRS health...
Check: Health of CRS
Node Name CRS OK?
------------------------------------ ------------------------
racnode2 yes
racnode1 yes
Result: CRS health check passed.
CRS integrity check passed.
Verification of CRS integrity was successful.
bash-2.03$ cluvfy comp nodeapp -n racnode1,racnode2 -verbose
Verifying node application existence
Checking node application existence...
Checking existence of VIP node application
Node Name Required Status Comment
------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------
racnode2 yes exists passed
racnode1 yes exists passed
Result: Check passed.
Checking existence of ONS node application
Node Name Required Status Comment
------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------
racnode2 no exists passed
racnode1 no exists passed
Result: Check passed.
Checking existence of GSD node application
Node Name Required Status Comment
------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------
racnode2 no exists passed
racnode1 no exists passed
Result: Check passed.
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