$redis->lPush($key, $value); $redis->rPop($key);
'', 'PORT' => '6379'), $key = 'redis_message_queue', $p_connect = false) { if (empty($key)) throw new \Exception('message queue key can not be empty'); $this->server = $server_config['IP']; $this->port = $server_config['PORT']; $this->key = $key; $this->check_environment(); if ($p_connect) { $this->pconnect(); } else { $this->connect(); } } /** * 析构函数,关闭redis链接,使用长连接时,最好主动调用关闭 */ public function __destruct() { $this->close(); } /** * 短连接 */ private function connect() { $this->redis_server = new \Redis(); $this->redis_server->connect($this->server, $this->port); } /** * 长连接 */ public function pconnect() { $this->redis_server = new \Redis(); $this->redis_server->pconnect($this->server, $this->port); } /** * 关闭链接 */ public function close() { $this->redis_server->close(); } /** * 向队列插入一条信息 * @param $message * @return mixed */ public function put($message) { return $this->redis_server->lPush($this->key, $message); } /** * 向队列中插入一串信息 * @param $message * @return mixed */ public function puts(){ $params = func_get_args(); $message_array = array_merge(array($this->key), $params); return call_user_func_array(array($this->redis_server, 'lPush'), $message_array); } /** * 从队列顶部获取一条记录 * @return mixed */ public function get() { return $this->redis_server->lPop($this->key); } /** * 选择数据库,可以用于区分不同队列 * @param $database */ public function select($database) { $this->redis_server->select($database); } /** * 获得队列状态,即目前队列中的消息数量 * @return mixed */ public function size() { return $this->redis_server->lSize($this->key); } /** * 获取某一位置的值,不会删除该位置的值 * @param $pos * @return mixed */ public function view($pos) { return $this->redis_server->lGet($this->key, $pos); } /** * 检查Redis扩展 * @throws Exception */ protected function check_environment() { if (!\extension_loaded('redis')) { throw new \Exception('Redis extension not loaded'); } } }
puts(1, 2, 3, 4); $redis->puts(5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
'', 'PORT' => '6379'), $key = 'redis_message_queue', $p_connect = false, $record_status=true ){ parent::__construct($server_config, $key, $p_connect); $this->record_status = $record_status; $this->put_position = $this->key . '_put_position'; $this->get_position = $this->key . '_get_position'; } public function get(){ if($queue = parent::get()){ $incr_result = $this->redis_server->incr($this->get_position); if(!$incr_result) throw new \Exception('can not mark get position,please check the redis server'); return $queue; }else{ return false; } } public function put($message){ if(parent::put($message)){ $incr_result = $this->redis_server->incr($this->put_position); if(!$incr_result) throw new \Exception('can not mark put position,please check the redis server'); return true; }else{ return false; } } public function puts_status(){ $message_array = func_get_args(); $result = call_user_func_array(array($this, 'puts'), $message_array); if($result){ $this->redis_server->incrBy($this->put_position, count($message_array)); return true; } return false; } public function size(){ return $this->redis_server->lSize($this->key); } public function status(){ $status['put_position'] = ($put_position = $this->redis_server->get($this->put_position)) ? $put_position : 0; $status['get_position'] = ($get_position = $this->redis_server->get($this->get_position)) ? $get_position : 0; $status['unread_queue'] = $this->size(); $status['queue_name'] = $this->key; $status['server'] = $this->server; $status['port'] = $this->port; return $status; } public function status_normal(){ $status = $this->status(); $message = 'Redis Message Queue' . PHP_EOL; $message .= '-------------------' . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'Message queue name:' . $status['queue_name'] . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'Put position of queue:' . $status['put_position'] . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'Get position of queue:' . $status['get_position'] . PHP_EOL; $message .= 'Number of unread queue:' . $status['unread_queue'] . PHP_EOL; return $message; } public function status_json(){ return \json_encode($this->status()); } }
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