1, the new site's ranking - more people looking to better earnings
Do the new website in the search engine's performance, should not be very good, we are here referring to the company official website, there are basically two kinds of solutions, one is paid advertising, such as marketing, advertising and web League, the second is through optimization methods for optimization, we generally use the updated,
Updated articles specific methods:
First, we must adhere to the original article. This is important, of course if you can capture it, simply modify it. Not too fast, do not worry. Link uniform increase, which is done for baidu recent adjustment to change strategy. External links to find the best with your industry related website links, links to previous optimization baidu, when added soon even if there is no problem, but now we must pay attention to, but if you add too much too fast, it is easy to be baidu punished for Home carried down the right. Oh, be careful
2, web content
This part is also very important, and we have a good ranking, if the viewer into the site, the site content can not attract his attention, then the site will be shut down, you may lose potential customers, so in the beginning of the construction site, we site content section must be reasonable planning, convenience, and successfully found the information he wants.
I think, to make the site profitable two of the most important content of the site must be considered when building them.
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