我们经常需要在后台运行一些python脚本,来监控系统或者做一些其他事情;但是 由于各种各样的原因,排除python脚本代码的问题,脚本运行过程中会挂掉。为了不天天耗在上面等重启,可以制作shell脚本对程序予以监控,对于意外中断的程序自动重启。
以控制 python自动重启的shell脚本为例:
cd Desktop vim run.sh #新建名为run的shell脚本
#!/bin/bash while [ 1 ];do python run.py done
chmod 777 run.sh #设置shell脚本权限 ./run.sh #运行shell脚本
nohup ./run5.py &
此外,做爬虫项目时,我们需要考虑一个爬虫在爬取时会遇到各种情况(网站验证,ip封禁),导致爬虫程序中断,这时我们已经爬取过一些数据,再次爬取时这些数据就可以忽略,所以我们需要在爬虫项目中设置一个中断重连的功能,使其在重新运行时从之前断掉的位置重新爬取数据。此代码参见自 匡虐博客
import os class UrlManager(object): def __init__(self): #建立两个数组的文件 with open('new_urls.txt','r+') as new_urls: self.new_urls = new_urls.read() with open('old_urls.txt','r+') as old_urls: self.old_urls = old_urls.read() def add_new_url(self, url): #添加url到new_ulrs文件中 if url is None: return if url not in self.new_urls and url not in self.old_urls: with open('new_urls.txt', 'a') as new_urls: new_urls.write(url) else: print('url had done') def add_new_urls(self, urls): #添加多个url到new_ulrs文件中 # if urls is None or (len(url) == 0 for url in urls): if urls is None: print('url is none') return for url in urls: if urls is None: print('url is none') return else: self.add_new_url(url) def has_new_url(self): return len(self.new_urls) != 0 def get_new_url(self): new_url = get_last_line('new_urls.txt') #读取new_urls文件中最后一个url del_last_url('new_urls.txt',new_url) #删除new_urls文件中最后一个url add_old_urls('old_urls.txt',new_url) #将读取出来的url添加入old_urls数组中 return new_url def get_last_line(inputfile): filesize = os.path.getsize(inputfile) blocksize = 1024 dat_file = open(inputfile, 'rb') last_line = b"" lines = [] if filesize > blocksize: maxseekpoint = (filesize // blocksize) # 这里的除法取的是floor maxseekpoint -= 1 dat_file.seek(maxseekpoint * blocksize) lines = dat_file.readlines() while ((len(lines) < 2) | ((len(lines) >= 2) & (lines[1] == b'\r\n'))): # 因为在Windows下,所以是b'\r\n' # 如果列表长度小于2,或者虽然长度大于等于2,但第二个元素却还是空行 # 如果跳出循环,那么lines长度大于等于2,且第二个元素肯定是完整的行 maxseekpoint -= 1 dat_file.seek(maxseekpoint * blocksize) lines = dat_file.readlines() elif filesize: # 文件大小不为空 dat_file.seek(0, 0) lines = dat_file.readlines() if lines: # 列表不为空 for i in range(len(lines) - 1, -1, -1): last_line = lines[i].strip() if (last_line != b''): break # 已经找到最后一个不是空行的 dat_file.close() return last_line def del_last_url(fname,part): with open(fname,'rb+') as f: a = f.read() a = a.replace(part,b'') with open(fname,'wb+') as f: f.write(a) def add_old_urls(fname,new_url): line = new_url + b'\r' with open(fname,'ab') as f: f.write(line)
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