
With the rapid development of computer technology, more and more people have the opportunity to access the linux operating system. No matter the official, enterprise server, many basic work are related to Linux operating system, which comes with a lot of command, and is the core of the system.

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Linux常用命令 – 开启一个新世界

Linux command plays a vital role in the Linux operating system, it helps us to do such a lot of operations, such as root user authentication, build and configure system services, manage user rights and so on. Maybe so far, many people don’t have a comprehensive understanding of Linux command, so it is time to learn more about it.


Among the commands of Linux, “ls” command is the most common, it plays an important role in the development of Linux, and it is a very useful command too. Its function is to list the files in the directory; it can be used with a variety of options, users can go to the terminal to see the help information of “ls” command. The command format is as follows:

‘LS [options] [file or directory]’


Except for “ls” command, in addition to the command “chmod”, it is used to modify the permissions of files and directories in the file system. This command is very important when the system is running, because it can control which user can read, write and execute the file. Its command format is as follows:

chmod [MODE] filename


Similarly, in order to facilitate the management of the Linux operating system, there are many other commands that are often used, such as “permission” command, “top” command and so on. With the above commands, users can learn and extra skills, they can make the system operation more smooth, and better control the system.


In conclusion, as a system of high adaptation, Linux has various commands, such as “ls” command, “chmod” command, which can better help us to manage the system. With the study of more and more basic commands, the user can open up a new world in the Linux operating system, it will bring great help to our work.





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